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Pet Cemetery Project
This series of image pairings has emerged from my ongoing investigation of pet cemetery gravestones in rural and suburban Florida. The image pairings highlight inconsistencies and contradictions in our relationships with different nonhumans.

Grave of Gracie paired with image of two gorillas in the San Diego zoo; mother is examining i-pad that was dropped in the enclosure.

Grave of Pepper paired with image of circus elephant performing with ball

Sgt. Smokey
Grave of Sargent Smokey paired with image of circus tiger jumping through ring of fire

Harry James Kielmovitch
Grave of Harry James Kielmovitch paired with image of laboratory rat

Grave of Patience paired with customer being served fast food at drivethrough window

Grave of Nuisance paired with bound alligator

Grave of Kibbles paired with advertisement for down mattress

Grave of George paired with image of cow being ear-tagged
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